Moose Jaw Chinese Association Moose Jaw Chinese Community Network 莎省舞城中华会馆 慕斯乔中华会馆 慕斯乔华人

中华会馆信息分享会于2022年5月29日在格兰特酒店举行。会议由中华会馆理事会举办。会议回顾了中华会馆超过一百年的辉煌历史及现状,并正式宣布中华会馆的英文名字由Moose Jaw Chinese Association 更名为Moose Jaw Chinese Community Network,会馆的中文名称保持不变。出席会议的有四十多人,包括中华会馆四名理事,及会馆特别邀请的来自里贾纳的嘉宾: 里贾纳加华会主席刘桂丽女士及丈夫姚一豫教授,萨省华企会主席王学玮先生及夫人张冬梅女士,萨省华企会联合创始人卢中军先生和夫人李景华女士,以及特邀嘉宾肖茸健先生。中华会馆临时主席Judy Quon女士因故未能出席本次会议,但是从多伦多发来了问候视频。

The Grant Hall Hotel provided the venue for the gathering, as well as drinks and fruit plates. Maple Leaf Bakery, a local Chinese-owned business, provided pastries.

The MJCCN was originally known as the Moose Jaw Chinese Association, which is a local Chinese society founded in the early 1900's. It was also one of the earliest and largest Chinese association at its time. IN 2019, a local group of Chinese took its name and registered as their own. In 2021, the original Moose Jaw Chinese Association changed its name to the Moose Jaw Chinese Community Network (MJCCN). Its Chinese name remains unchanged. For more information about MJCCN, refer to its official website:

Some of the photos of the information session can be found at

The PowerPoint used at the presentation:

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